Consumer behavior becomes more unpredictable during the crisis, which makes planning and communication more difficult for municipal utilities as well as energy suppliers. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the condition and behavior of energy customers, the Cologne-based rheingold institute conducted a qualitative psychological market research study in cooperation with the ASEW network. The study will be used to derive indications and recommendations that will enable municipal utilities and energy suppliers to position themselves well in the crisis. The aim is to maintain and promote consumer confidence.
The digital report on the results of the study, including a joint presentation of the results
with all study orderers, costs 1.950,- Euro net, plus VAT.
The results of the study will be available from mid-October. On September 28, a half-hour online meeting was held in which the study leaders presented the study and its methods.
Hans-Joachim Karopka
Phone: +49 221 912777-0
Sebastian Buggert
Phone: +49 221 912777-34
Stephanie Morzinek
Phone: +49 221 912777-0