The secret of effectiveness

The rheingoldInsights from the Features category

rheingold deepEmotions

rheingold deepEmotions combines qualitative understanding and implicit, objective emotion measurement and is thus predestined for advertising effectiveness research - especially as a pretest. The tool combines TAWNY's emotion analytics based on state-of-the-art AI and deep learning with rheingold's deep psychological analysis.

Expedition Insights - experience rheingold research live

A day of "aha" moments - together with rheingold, your team researches up close with the consumer.
The rheingold ConceptLab

The rheingoldConceptLab

rheingoldConceptLab. Creative processes run in real time and are tested and optimized in parallel with the focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Revealing the unconscious 2.0 with rheingoldArena®

The hybrid rheingold exploration method rheingoldArena® creates a focus group scenario that multiplies insights through the connection of a live focus group and chat panel.
Secret User Experience

Revealing the secrets behind UX: How does a user become a fan?

An excellent user experience (UX) has valuable spillover effects on the brand.
Sprint Insights in two days

NEW: The rheingoldSprint®

The rheingoldSprint - ideal research tools for the contactless corona phase. Fast, pragmatic, economical.
Influencers as demigods of the modern age

Influencers: Demigods of our time?

Influencers are considered to be particularly close to their followers, equipping them with a high level of credibility, also when it comes to product recommendations. A rheingold study shows that the worship of influencers has pseudo-religious traits.
Employer Branding

Employer Branding

Recruiting employees has now become a real challenge for many companies. Booming labor markets, declining birth rates and exponentially increasing demand in certain occupational groups are just some of the causes.

Strategy consulting

The strategy afterwards. With rheingoldBridging, you work out with our experts how to proceed after a study.

rheingoldCoCreation - Looking through the consumer's eyes

The rheingoldCoCreation gives companies the opportunity to experience this firsthand through the eyes and guts of the consumer.
The rheingold interview

The rheingold interview

The rheingold interview is the heart of our morphological research projects and much more than a normal in-depth interview.

Strengthening Brands - The Brand Success Code

The success of brands today depends on five factors. This has been confirmed by rheingold studies over the past 20 years. The starting point for successful brand management is the question of the strategic relevance of a brand.
Morphological impact research

Best practice - the rheingold methods

In order to be able to grasp psychological relationships in their complexity, morphological impact research has highly effective tools at hand in the form of the in-depth interview and psychological description.
rheingold Tools

Proven and tailored methodologies for deep insights - the rheingold tools

For each of your questions we have the right tool, basically tailored to your individual needs and scientifically based.