Psychology into UX

How psychological mechanisms optimize digital user experiences.

Understanding Impacts. Impacting Business. Psychologically.

Gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-evolving business landscape by harnessing our expertise in psychological and cross-cultural market research. With over 30 years of experience, conducting over 5,000 in-depth explorations (e.g. interviews, focus groups, immersions, ethnographies) annually worldwide, our seasoned team of psychologists equips your business with actionable insights. Navigate dynamic consumer changes with confidence, receiving tailored recommendations.We decipher human minds for psychologically relevant strategies, products, brands and campaigns seamlessly integrating AI, digital tools, and quantitative data.

With offices in Germany, San Francisco and Shanghai, we can’t wait to wrap our heads around your business challenge.

Understanding Impacts. Impacting Business. Psychologically.

Gain a competitive edge in today's fast-evolving business landscape by harnessing our expertise in psychological and cross-cultural market research. With over 30 years of experience, conducting over 5,000 in-depth explorations (e.g. interviews, focus groups, immersions, ethnographies) annually worldwide, our seasoned team of psychologists equips your business with actionable insights. Navigate dynamic consumer changes with confidence, receiving tailored recommendations.we decipher human minds for psychologically relevant strategies, products, brands and campaigns seamlessly integrating AI, digital tools, and quantitative data.

With offices in Germany, San Francisco and Shanghai, we can't wait to wrap our heads around your business challenge.

Your US Contact:

Patricia Sauerbrey Colton
Managing Partner, rheingold USA
Phone: +1 415-400-9969

Patricia Sauerbrey-Colton

Contact our Offices in Germany and China here.

rheingold LLC
Institute for Qualitative Market and Media Research
1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500
San Francisco, CA 94104

rheingold Politics Society

rheingold Politics & Society

With its research, the rheingold Institute focuses on long-term trends and recognizes basic psychological constants that significantly influence people's opinions and behaviour. Through our research, we work out people's unconscious fears, desires, driving forces and influencing factors. Because these are the main factors that determine behavior.

rheingold Congress 2024

Be inspired on October 8, 2024 at the rheingold congress
"Die umfrisierte Wirklichkeit - Die neue Logik des Lebens" in Cologne.

Our program is online!
In keynotes, workshop sessions and with many practical examples, we will focus on the topics of society, nutrition, consumers, retail and strategy. Always in the context of what this means for your companies and brands.
Join us!

On October 8, 2024 | 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
HALLE / TOR 2 | Girlitzweg 30, 50829 Cologne


Gender & Generation Unit

Today, genders and generations are fluid. And yet age, life stage and gender have an impact on the perception of products. We understand changing gender images and translate them into a tailored target group approach.

Sustainability greenStrategy

rheingold greenStrategy

Companies face the challenge of implementing the topic of sustainability in a way that suits them and is an investment in the future of the brand. With rheingold greenStrategy, you sound out all the opportunities of sustainability and go into implementation with three tools.

rheingold Politics Society

rheingold Politics & Society

With its research, the rheingold Institute focuses on long-term trends and recognizes basic psychological constants that significantly influence people's opinions and behaviour. Through our research, we work out people's unconscious fears, desires, driving forces and influencing factors. Because these are the main factors that determine behavior.

rheingold Congress 2024

Be inspired on October 8, 2024 at the rheingold congress
"Die umfrisierte Wirklichkeit - Die neue Logik des Lebens" in Cologne.

Our program is online!
In keynotes, workshop sessions and with many practical examples, we will address the topics of society, nutrition, consumers, retail and strategy. Always in the context of what this means for your companies and brands.
Join us!

On October 8, 2024 | 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
HALLE / TOR 2 | Girlitzweg 30, 50829 Cologne


Gender & Generation Unit

Today, genders and generations are fluid and multi-optional. And yet, age, life stage, and gender affect perceptions of products and markets and must always be thought of as something fundamental and pervasive.

Sustainability greenStrategy

rheingold greenStrategy

Companies face the challenge of implementing the topic of sustainability in a way that suits them and is an investment in the future of the brand. With rheingold greenStrategy, you sound out all the opportunities of sustainability and go into implementation with three tools. Sustainable success with a clear green line!

The rheingoldFeatures

Over time, we have continuously optimized our own rheingold methods and tools and supplemented them with digital and agile elements. You will only find that with us.

rheingold deepEmotions

rheingold deepEmotions combines qualitative understanding and implicit, objective emotion measurement and is thus predestined for advertising effectiveness research - especially as a pretest. The tool combines TAWNY's emotion analytics based on state-of-the-art AI and deep learning with rheingold's deep psychological analysis.

Expedition Insights - experience rheingold research live

A day of "aha" moments - together with rheingold, your team researches up close with the consumer.
The rheingold ConceptLab

The rheingoldConceptLab

rheingoldConceptLab. Creative processes run in real time and are tested and optimized in parallel with the focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Revealing the unconscious 2.0 with rheingoldArena®

The hybrid rheingold exploration method rheingoldArena® creates a focus group scenario that multiplies insights through the connection of a live focus group and chat panel.

Strategy consulting

The strategy afterwards. With rheingoldBridging, you work out with our experts how to proceed after a study.

rheingoldCoCreation - Looking through the consumer's eyes

The rheingoldCoCreation gives companies the opportunity to experience this firsthand through the eyes and guts of the consumer.

Strengthening Brands - The Brand Success Code

The success of brands today depends on five factors. This has been confirmed by rheingold studies over the past 20 years. The starting point for successful brand management is the question of the strategic relevance of a brand.
Continents of markets method rheingold

Conquering Markets - The Continent of Markets

Thousands of studies from umpteen industries have enabled us to develop a psychological differentiation of markets - the 'Continents of Markets'.

rheingold Insights

rheingoldInsights - articles, studies and publications based on our in-depth psychological qualitative market research.

Nestlé Study 2024 shows a longing for light-heartedness - eating in the area of conflict between renunciation and enjoyment

The relationship with food has become much more tense, people's expectations of themselves have risen and, at the same time, satisfaction has fallen. These are the findings of the Nestlé study "So is(s)t Deutschland 2024".
Demonstrations in Germany. January 2024

Between wake-up call and boomerang - psychological effects of demonstrations against right-wing extremism

We examined the psychological impact of the demonstrations against right-wing extremism in January 2024.
Study on the reality of life: Citizens in Germany long for "people's caretakers" and political representatives who solve problems • Representative study "How we really live" by the rheingold Institute on behalf of Philip Morris examines influencing factors and perspectives on political representation • Concept of the "common people" is gaining relevance • Citizens are becoming more fearful and radical

Study on the reality of life in Germany

Citizens in Germany long for "people's caretakers" and political representatives who really solve problems. The concept of the "common people" is gaining relevance.

Mental intelligence versus artificial intelligence

Mental intelligence is not essentially related to AI, says Stephan Grünewald in an article for the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. It lacks the transience, the infatuation, the inner contradictions of the soul.

Democratic burial in the forest floor

Why do people want to be buried in a forest? rheingold has researched the motives in a psychological-qualitative and quantitative representative study on behalf of FriedWald.

Young people on professional standby

Why are some young people not studying or training and are permanently on career standby? This was investigated by rheingold for the Joblinge initiative.
Dream House Interhyp Residential Study 2023

Interhyp living space study 2023 - the old building becomes a nightmare

Waiting to buy your own home and a clouded view - that's what Interhyp AG's new Wohntraumstudie 2023 shows. The rheingold Institute asked people about their housing situation, their dreams and plans.
Organic carrots

Why the biopipe was no longer allowed to be evangelical

Consumers are ambivalent, wanting to drive SUVs and save the planet at the same time. Brand managers also have to deal with this ambivalence. Stephan Grünewald puts forward these and other theses in the Brand eins podcast "Sustainable Brand Stories.

Depth psychological insights at the planning & analysis Insights 2023 in Frankfurt

The annual meeting for (corporate) market researchers and advertisers. rheingold will be present with a keynote by Stephan Grünewald as well as a booth. We are looking forward to two exciting days at the fair.