The secret of effectiveness

The rheingoldInsights from the category Society

EM study - domestic vs. Chinese sponsorship

Flash study by the rheingold Institute on sponsorship impact at UEFA EURO 2024 shows preference for everyday and domestic sponsorships.
The psychology of positive urban development

Study on the psychology of the Altenessen district

Between new beginnings and (threatened) Ruhrpott nostalgia - a district in Essen is an example of how cities can work on their identity.

City of Hanau: Patchwork society with a longing for cohesion

Do cities have a soul and can urban development be positively influenced with differentiated psychological knowledge? A study on the inner state of the city of Hanau provides answers.
Fixed contribution

Nestlé Study 2024 - Eating between sacrifice and indulgence

The relationship with food has become much more tense, people's expectations of themselves have risen and, at the same time, satisfaction has fallen. These are the findings of the Nestlé study "So is(s)t Deutschland 2024".
Demonstrations in Germany. January 2024

Between wake-up call and boomerang - psychological effects of demonstrations against right-wing extremism

We examined the psychological impact of the demonstrations against right-wing extremism in January 2024.
Study on the reality of life: Citizens in Germany long for "people's caretakers" and political representatives who solve problems • Representative study "How we really live" by the rheingold Institute on behalf of Philip Morris examines influencing factors and perspectives on political representation • Concept of the "common people" is gaining relevance • Citizens are becoming more fearful and radical

Study on the reality of life in Germany

Citizens in Germany long for "people's caretakers" and political representatives who really solve problems. The concept of the "common people" is gaining relevance.

Mental intelligence versus artificial intelligence

Mental intelligence is not essentially related to AI, says Stephan Grünewald in an article for the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. It lacks the transience, the infatuation, the inner contradictions of the soul.

Young people on professional standby

Why are some young people not studying or training and are permanently on career standby? This was investigated by rheingold for the Joblinge initiative.

On the rheingold couch - how a depth psychological interview works

Sebastian Scheffel from RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland turned the pages at the rheingold Institute and let himself be interviewed about his confidence. Here is his report:

Germany on the run from reality

A depth-psychological study and representative survey on the state of mind of Germans clearly shows that two-thirds of the population distrust the government and its policies. Confidence in the future seems to be possible only in private.

Why young women shy away from leadership positions

Young women want hybrid and agile work beyond official channels and hierarchy. Birgit Langebartels, psychologist and head of rheingold "Gender&Generation," talks about the new mindset and what companies need to do now.

Conservative roll-back - the hard man returns

We have been observing a conservative rollback in masculinity for ten years now, increasingly manifested by a fascination with authoritarian structures, more or less open sexism, and a return to supposedly outdated role models.

Germans oversaturated by technology - study on acceptance of future trends

Germans are saturated with technology and feel little need for new applications. From a psychological perspective, a technological-digital epochal change is on the horizon.

Psychological paradox of sustainability

The desire for sustainability stems from a conservative longing. But we can only preserve the world by transforming it. An interview with Stephan Grünewald.

Counter magic at the turn of time

Stephan Grünewald discusses insights from rheingold research with the German government at Schloss Meseberg - the topics are confidence and changing times.

Understanding consumers with hybrid methods

About the currently quite fertile ground for Quali research, about cooperations as well as smart tools that complement classical methods and how the institute is getting fit for the future.
Germany in waiting

Between the turn of the times and double whammy

Tank debates, worries about prosperity and bashful consumption: about a year after the start of the war, Germany is torn.
Crises and their psychological sides

The psychological side of crises

People move between resignation, defiance and anger and at the same time long for a confident view of the future.