Contributions from

Stephan Urlings
Stephan Urlings

Stephan Urlings, a psychologist, is Managing Partner and Head of International Research. His work focuses on market and impact analyses in the areas of consumer electronics, online media, energy and finance.

Tel.: +49 221-912 777-18

rheingold deepEmotions

rheingold deepEmotions combines qualitative understanding and implicit, objective emotion measurement and is thus predestined for advertising effectiveness research - especially as a pretest. The tool combines TAWNY's emotion analytics based on state-of-the-art AI and deep learning with rheingold's deep psychological analysis.

Understanding consumers with hybrid methods

About the currently quite fertile ground for Quali research, about cooperations as well as smart tools that complement classical methods and how the institute is getting fit for the future.
9-euro ticket for social cohesion

"The 9-Euro-Ticket is much more than a transport policy measure".

The ticket strengthens social cohesion, trust in the state, and as a bonus you get sustainability on top. This is much more than a transport policy measure.
Depth psychology and algorithms

Understanding emotions: How Depth Psychology and Algorithms Enable Accurate Predictions

rheingold combines depth psychology and algorithms and thus unites methods for measuring emotions.
Prejudice and discrimination make you sick

Prejudice and discrimination make you sick

Those who experience prejudice or discrimination are more likely to suffer from eating disorders, migraines, burnout or depression. What can help?
The rheingold ConceptLab

The rheingoldConceptLab

rheingoldConceptLab. Creative processes run in real time and are tested and optimized in parallel with the focus groups and in-depth interviews.
Produce 101 shapes the superstars of tomorrow

The collective shapes the superstars

Collectives like the casting format "Produce 101" form superstars and trigger media hypes. What can German entrepreneurs learn from this?
Rheingold in Shanghai

rheingold in Shanghai

The rheingold institute opens a branch office in Shanghai. Besides San Francisco, Shanghai is the second international office of the institute.
China media study

China media study

Young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 in China and Germany differ fundamentally in their media use, brand perception and advertising reception.