
Gender & Generation

Generation Z and the psychology of local news

How does GenZ deal with local mobile news offerings and what are psychological drivers, blockages and needs?
DIY to self-efficacy

OBI Children and Youth Study

DIY projects are a way for young people of generations Z and Alpha to feel self-efficacious and break free from the Corona blues and the insecurity they feel about the future.
Youth Study

rheingold Youth Study 2022: Now available

The pandemic was a challenge for many young people. With consequences to this day. This is shown by the results of the rheingold youth study.
The stumbling block of gender

The stumbling block of gender: linguistic provocation counteracts the longing for social togetherness

Paradoxically, gendering often counteracts the longing for a better togetherness.
Corona and children: lost generation

Corona and children: lost generation

Corona has brutally shaken up the dreams, goals and plans of many young people. Birgit Langebartels explains what helps them.
Generation Z as a beacon of hope

New kids on the job

In the labor market, too, everyone is looking eagerly to Generation Z. It is being hailed as a beacon of hope that will make companies fit for the future.
Teen heroes

Teen heroes

The intoxicating digital-analog world of "anything is possible" holds tremendous pressure of expectation for adolescents.
Return of the machos

The return of the machos

Almost one third of men today fall under the "lapdog type", the Cologne-based rheingold institute has found out in a depth-psychological study of men.
Working Mothers or Working Moms

Working Mom Study

There are an infinite number of images and roles that a woman can take on and live today. Women love this diversity and this wealth of life images and at the same time they suffer from it.